Practicing the way of Jesus, Together in Sonoma

“I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” — Jesus

Thanks for stopping by to check us out! We are Jason & Carissa Mayer and we are planting a new church here in Sonoma, CA.

It is our passion to see people discover and experience the love of God and take up his invitation to live the fulfilled life. Take a look around and let us know how we can serve you!


Cursive text reading "Jason & Carissa Mayer"
A man and woman smiling, standing in front of greenery. The man is wearing a white T-shirt, and the woman is wearing a striped shirt and a hat.
Scenic landscape of rolling hills and vineyards with lush greenery and trees in a sunny, mist-covered setting.
Group of people socializing in an outdoor hallway.
People socializing in a community center with chairs in the foreground and background, wearing casual clothes.

Sunday Gatherings

Gatherings are the way we gather weekly as a collective group of believers to worship, learn the Scriptures, teach the practices of Jesus, pray, and build our relationships with one another.

Children seated in a classroom with hands raised, a map on the wall, and a teacher at the front.
Exterior of a modern building with large glass windows and two freestanding signs displaying "Sonoma Collective." The entrance is accessible via steps and handrails. The building is located at number 101.


Communities are the primary way we gather during the week in smaller groups around a table to be the people of Jesus in our city. In Communities, we are practicing the way of Jesus, together, in Sonoma and we invite you to join a Community in your neighborhood.

Young girl with braids serving herself salad from a buffet table while a woman in a floral dress and hat stands nearby.
Group of people sitting on a couch in a cozy living room, talking and relaxing, with a lit lamp and window in the background.
Group of people socializing outdoors, with a man playing with a child on a sunny day.
A man in a maroon shirt and jeans speaking on a stage with a podium, light bulbs along the edge, and a potted plant nearby.
A woman wearing a light-colored hat and denim shirt holds a coffee cup while standing beside a check-in kiosk. The kiosk has a tablet and several pens. There's a framed sign in the background celebrating 75 years.
Group of people talking in a casual indoor setting with a stage in the background.

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“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

— Jesus